Sunday, April 29, 2012

Are you struggling to have success with women?

Take a look at the women in the photos and imagine yourself being with them. Ok come back. Ask yourself, what are you willing to do to sleep with the kind of women you saw in the video? If you would not sleep with a prostitute, I understand. Being with a prostitute is not for every guy. But if you're struggling to get sex and fulfillment from regular women, why would you not give it a chance? I know! There is a lot of stigma surrounding prostitution. A lot of it has been ingrained into you head before you were ever able to think critical. What if there was a book that told you how to go about dealing with prostitutes step by step. In addition to telling men how to go about prostitution, what if that same book helped build your game and confidence with regular women. Why limit yourself to one market of women if you're not having the best of luck with that market. Your problems could range from getting shot down a lot, to wounding up in bad relationships. And wouldn't you like some sound relationship advice for when you do meet that special someone? You're problem is you, along with every other man, has limited your options to what society has deemed is best for you. The question is, has society made you happy far as your luck with women? Didn't think so. Your reading this because you want to make a change. You want to change your lousy results with women. You want to get away from the rejection and bad relationships. You want something better for yourself, because you know you deserve better. The problem is, you're holding on to what society says is best for you. Do you want to hold on to negative results that effects your love life and limits your potential of attaining happiness. Again look at the women in the video and ask yourself, what do you have to lose by trying something new?

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