Monday, April 20, 2015

Why women advertise what they aren’t selling.

In my book I talk about a trend in America of women who dress a certain way. They wear revealing clothing. They go out to clubs and make themselves appear available when 99% of men who approach them they turn down. The common excuse is she has a boyfriend or married or she will even say she's lesbian. While 5 out of a thousand this may be true for, most are just saying in a nice way you aren't the guy she wants to sleep with. But yet everyday these same women dress the same way, put on make up and revealing clothing and frequent places where they are subject to getting approached by men. This is what I refer to as advertising what they aren't selling.

Women do this because just like a man gets off from having sex, women get off on being wanted. They get a rush and a sense of power from being desired by numbers of men. Power for men is actually having power. Owning corporations, having millions of dollars, politics, leadership rolls, having mass influence, etc. Women on the other hand is being desired by men who are men of means. And a woman knows the prettier she is the more men desire her the more she is likely to be invited into certain circles. This is evident throughout time and history and transcend culture. A woman is better off being pretty than rich and alone. Women who yield the same power as men often come across as intimidating to many men. Because the more power she holds the less likely she can be controlled. But power and things that really move the world has been in the hands of men ever since human existence. Women are also limited to the power they can yield due to maternity and limits in physical strength. So an average woman has to yield power through her beauty. The better her looks the more men want her and men of means will have her in their circle. The average woman can get further ahead if she is pretty and finds a guy who can provid for her vs getting a job and hustle and bustling like men have to. Feminist don't get mad I'm just stating the way things are.

Having attrcative looks gives a woman aan incredible amount of power if she knows how to utalize it. Where I'm from this is called the power of the pussy. Sadly alot of men let the pussy have power over them. But I teach men how to gain that power back. I teach you to look pass the false advertising and how to take control of any situation where you are trying to have your way with women. I show you how to use your money as a boss does and get out the mindset of an employee looking for a job. Even if you are dealing with a regular woman you still have an advantage when you know how to utilize your options.

So you can continue to fall for the false advertisement or you can get what you desire from a woman.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Full and undivided attention.

This blog talks about a major point I express to fellow Johns. Not to long ago I came across this hooker and we were negotiating business, but she kept walking and she told me she had to go take care of her storage unit. I thought no big deal, but I was forgetting one of the most important rules to dealing with a prostitute. I was focused on her plump ass and not thinking with the head above my waist lol. We get to the storage unit and she was fusing up a storm about the price, the late fee and other things. I was waiting on this bitch and then something clicked on in my head. She was trying to get me to pay the rest of her storage fee without giving me any service. After that I started to walk away.

You have hookers that like to run game. And one of the ways you can tell she is bullshiting you is that she is not giving you her full and undivided attention. If you go to a job interview and you want that job you give that employer your full and undivided attention. The same rule applies to the world of prostitution the only difference is you are the boss. The money is in your pocket, you call the shots. I don't care what issues she has going on. You lead and never follow. Do not deal with a prostitute's or any other woman's extra-curricular bullshit. When you are negotiating make sure she gives full and undivided attention and nothing less.

Being a John is one of the few times we as men get to be selfish without scrutiny. You want her to focus on you and everything you want. You make sure you get all your questions and concerns addressed before you head off anywhere with her. Do not allow her to deter any of your motives. You get what you came to get. And if she doesnot want to offer or she wants to play games, drop her like a hot potato.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Up coming blogs Johns and Depression

In this blog I'm going to talk about how depression effects a lot of men and how travel and sex with prostitutes can help cope with all that. This will be a very deep writing as I will be talking about myself personally. You definitely don't want to miss it.

Up coming blog Sex monger vs. Whore monger

In this blog I'm going to discuss the difference between a sex monger and a whore monger. Be ready for a good read.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Up coming blog Prostitute vs. Girlfriend

This will be a blog weighing in on the pros and cons of having a girlfriend vs. getting with a prostitute. Is one better than the other? Be ready to give your opinion.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

You can't end the demand for creation.

This blog is for those who favor the Swedish approach to prostitution that focuses on targeting the Johns, also know as the end demand. This law that targets men but allows a woman to sell sexual services, was first enacted by the government of Sweden. Later on Norway adopted the same law and a few other governments have been contemplating it. What they fail to realize is the same demand for prostitution, is the same demand that creates us. We are born because of the demand for sexual gratification. If we were born out of a demand for war, or to be at each others throats all the time, we could not be born from the gathering of two people. Instead, we would be reproduced as robots with no ability to act on freewill.

On top of the law unfairly targeting men, just like all those other laws in place prohibiting prostitution, it doesnot stop it. Anytime something that is of harm to no one becomes prohibited, criminal activity is encouraged to surround it. In a world where most people want to move towards equality, it is double standard and a step backwards to allow for the sell of something, but criminalize the buyer.

I wounder what law makers were thinking when they were putting together the end demand law. Surely they didn't think they were making strides in woman's rights. I thought women fought for the right to their bodies. But if they are doing something with their bodies that some people don't like, something about it has to be criminalized. Sure they don't think they are protecting a woman by criminalizing the hand that feeds her. I'm not applying that to all women. I'm just saying some women like having sex for money. I know it's hard to accept, but some women truly enjoy sex and the money that comes from being desired for sex.

If you go along with laws that target male clients of prostitutes, I ask you, are you willing to pay every hooker $200 dollars a night? She has mouths to feed, even if it's her own. Why do you want to block her from a source of income? No one is saying that she can't do anything else or she is less intelligent than a man. Many women have used the sex industry to pay their way through college. Matter of facet, it takes an intelligent women to stay on top of her game in the sex business. If you take away the Johns, what are your plans to help every woman in need who lack resources? Surely your plan of women empowerment through male impediment doesn't only cater to women who would sell their bodies at night.

To end demand of sex workers, you have to end the demand of human reproduction. And that is a demand that always comes with the supply.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Are you struggling to have success with women?

Take a look at the women in the photos and imagine yourself being with them. Ok come back. Ask yourself, what are you willing to do to sleep with the kind of women you saw in the video? If you would not sleep with a prostitute, I understand. Being with a prostitute is not for every guy. But if you're struggling to get sex and fulfillment from regular women, why would you not give it a chance? I know! There is a lot of stigma surrounding prostitution. A lot of it has been ingrained into you head before you were ever able to think critical. What if there was a book that told you how to go about dealing with prostitutes step by step. In addition to telling men how to go about prostitution, what if that same book helped build your game and confidence with regular women. Why limit yourself to one market of women if you're not having the best of luck with that market. Your problems could range from getting shot down a lot, to wounding up in bad relationships. And wouldn't you like some sound relationship advice for when you do meet that special someone? You're problem is you, along with every other man, has limited your options to what society has deemed is best for you. The question is, has society made you happy far as your luck with women? Didn't think so. Your reading this because you want to make a change. You want to change your lousy results with women. You want to get away from the rejection and bad relationships. You want something better for yourself, because you know you deserve better. The problem is, you're holding on to what society says is best for you. Do you want to hold on to negative results that effects your love life and limits your potential of attaining happiness. Again look at the women in the video and ask yourself, what do you have to lose by trying something new?